How to “recharge your batteries” with a full day of meetings!

recharge batteries

Melissa’s days are one virtual meeting after another.  They make her tired.  By the end of many hours spent in front of her computer screen, she’s depleted.  Giving presentations is the most draining.

She’s not alone.  I’ve heard this from a good number of people. 

Melissa, like many, made the mistake of thinking that being virtual caused her energy drain.  Her exact words were, “Being virtual all day long is exhausting.”

If this is happening to you, I can assure you, it’s not because you’re virtual.

It’s not that you shouldn’t get outside, because you should.

But what makes a person tired or energized, whether virtual or in-person, has everything to do with the quality of communication that you experience throughout your day.

See if this isn’t true:

Even a one-hour unsatisfying or frustrating meeting will leave you de-energized.  Trying to pay attention to 30 minutes of uninspired boredom will sap the life out of you.  A lousy conversation will leave you feeling wasted.  A meaningless conversation will leave you feeling empty.  Giving a presentation with no response from the audience can leave you feeling dead. 

Just a couple of these in one day can make you need to lie down at 5 pm.

You’re putting energy out, but no energy is coming back and you get depleted.  It affects you physically.

Real human connections and great conversations don’t do that. 

Real human connections and great conversations are energizing.

They breathe life into you.

Think about it.

Melissa’s problem, like for many people, was not knowing how to create real human connections, how to make really great interactions and presentations happen when she’s virtual.

The most common thing I hear is, “But I can’t see them!  I can’t see their reactions! I can’t create a human connection if I can’t see them!”

When someone says this, it tells me they don’t understand what real human connection is all about.

If it were true that you have to see people to connect with them, blind people would never be able to make deep human connections.  And this is far from the truth.

Take three amazing blind men:  Stevie Wonder, Andrea Bocelli and Ray Charles.  

They never saw anyone.  Yet they each created, and continue to create, timeless and deep human connections with tens of millions of people around the world.

The human connections these three blind men create are pure magic.  Everyone who’s talked to them in person speaks of it too.

You might say, “Sure I could do that, if I could sing like they can.”

But you actually CAN do it with words, with the ability to create REAL communication, REAL interchange with another person, REAL rapport with many people at one time when you’re giving a presentation.

Creating a deep human connection goes WAY beyond in-person visual perception. 

Whether you’re speaking, writing, emailing, singing, painting or using sign language … and whether you have sight or are blind … the following IS true.

Real human connections are created by the ability to SEE and FEEL people with OTHER senses besides your eyes, by the QUALITY of how you express yourself, by your ability to REACH others with powerful understanding, real meaning, unrestrained, overwhelming affinity and a commanding intention.

These are all ABILITIES you can master and use to create a powerful, and even emotional, impact, REGARDLESS of whether or not your eyes ever see the other person.

I know you can do it because I teach people how to do it every day.

Melissa dedicated herself to learning how and now her days are powered with the skills she developed during both Causative Communications and Mastering Virtual Presentations. 

She now leaves meetings satisfied, leaves her presentations energized, flying high.

But, in her own mind, what’s best of all, is that she’s energizing everyone she talks to.  After a challenging presentation she emailed me:

I could not see the people, but I felt their energy, and there was no stopping me.  Lots of positive feedback including from my boss.  Afterward some told me they even got goose bumps.”

And everyone wants her in their meetings.  Of course they do!  She wipes out their tiredness and makes them feel refreshed, new again.

Being able to make this happen is energizing.  It gives you the BEST kind of energy.

You’re capable of creating that kind of magic in your own life.

If you’re tired at the end of the day, RAISE the QUALITY of your communication and your relationships.

I’m not trying to get you to do my training as much as I’m trying to tell you that you are fully capable of it, that this is all inside you, waiting to come out.   

Of course, if you’d like a guide to get you there fast, that’s what I love to do and I’m here for you.

Be the cause!